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Eating Disorder School Programs

Dr. Muhlheim provides eating disorder school programs in which she consults with schools (both internationally and in the US) on eating disorders.  Her services to school communities include the following:

Presentations for parent groups on eating disorder awareness and prevention
Healthy Body, Healthy Mind:  Fueling your child’s self-esteem and body image.  Everything parents should know about eating disorders – appropriate for elementary through high school.

Staff training
Full staff training on eating disorders, covering prevention, awareness, identification of eating disorders, and working with students with eating disorders.

Trainings for school counselors and school nurses.  These more targeted trainings include eating disorder diagnosis and monitoring as well as information about treatment and strategies for working with students with eating disorders and their families.

Review of health curriculum
School “obesity” prevention programs may inadvertently reinforce behaviors that lead to eating disorders.  By contrast, school wellness programs have the opportunity to build in eating disorder prevention.  Dr. Muhlheim can help review the current curriculum and make recommendations based on the guidelines established by the Academy for Eating Disorders, the National Eating Disorder Association, and the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders.  This may include training of health and PE teachers in delivering the new curriculum. Learn more about Dr. Muhlheim’s work at Shanghai American School.

Creation of school guidelines on eating disorders
This entails working with the administration to develop guidelines for handling eating disorders in the school setting.

Student workshops
Workshops for student groups (based on a National Eating Disorder-endorsed curriculum) that reduce dieting and promote body image.

Work with student leaders on implementing school-wide campaigns to promote body image and body image diversity.

Eating Disorder School Programs

Shanghai American School program announcement

The following is a list of resources for schools:

Eating Disorder School Resources