Eating Disorders Before and After Bariatric Surgery–What You Need to Know

Eating Disorders and Bariatric Surgery [Image description: purple scrabble tiles spelling "Eating Disorders and Bariatric Surgery"]

Health professionals often recommend bariatric surgery for patients with larger bodies. A large body size, referred to in the medical world as “obesity,”—a term we will not use unless citing medical data— is not the same as an eating disorder. Yet, there is an intersection. A considerable number of people considering bariatric surgery may have …

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Dr. Muhlheim’s Spring 2024 Training and Speaking Engagements

Speakers at FEAST special webinar [Image description: "Promoting Life in the Treatment of Severe and Enduring Eating Disorders" featuring speakers Lauren Muhlheim, Psy.D., Lucene Wisniewski, Ph.D., Judy Krasna, Angela Guarda, MD & Walter Kay, MD. "Wed, Feb 28. 2024" Register at"]

Dr. Muhlheim is busy with several speaking and training engagements this spring. See where you can catch her below. On February 4, she’ll be a speaker at the 2024 Families Empowered and Supporting Treatment of Eating Disorders (FEAST) of Knowledge. Her topic is Stages of Recovery: Setting Parental Expectations. Registration is available through FEAST’s website. …

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Post by Carly Poynter, Psy.D., staff therapist What is Orthorexia? Orthorexia is an eating disorder in which an individual is fixated on the quality of food and avoidance—in the pursuit of health—of foods labeled as “unhealthy” or “bad.” The person continues to pursue “health” despite experiencing considerable negative health consequences and an impact on psychological …

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ARFID in Children

Therapy for ARFID in Children in California [Image description: a boy eating breakfast of cereal and juice and looking unhappy] Represents a potential client receiving counseling for ARFID in California

Does My Child Have Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)? For the most part, kids are pickier eaters than adults. If your child is a “picky eater” you may be wondering whether their eating is normal or not. You may have heard about Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) and wonder whether your child might have …

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Four Things You Should Know Before Jumping on the Ozempic Bandwagon

Five Things You Should Know Before Jumping on the Ozempic Bandwagon [Image description: purple scrabble tiles spelling "The truth about Wegovy Ozempic Saxenda"]

Interested in trying out Wegovy or one of the new weight loss medications? Here’s what you should know. Second possibly only to the search for eternal life is the quest for thinness. Medical doctors and drug companies have for years been vexed by the challenge of making fat people thin. Accordingly, many solutions have been …

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Are You Medically Stable for Outpatient Eating Disorder Therapy?

Medical Clearance for Outpatient Eating Disorder Therapy in Los Angeles, CA [image description: the arm of a patient having her blood pressure taken by a health professional representing a potential person in California receiving treatment for an eating disorder]

Learn about medical stability and why we are concerned about it. When you contact us to schedule an appointment for yourself or your loved one, our program manager will gather some information that helps determine whether you (or they) need an immediate medical screening and whether the therapy we provide is likely to be effective. …

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Meal Support in Eating Disorder Recovery

Meal Support for Eating Disorder Recovery [Image description: the back of a female eating in front of a computer screen] Represents a possible person seeking online meal support for eating disorder recovery in Los Angeles, California

Eating disorders are complex and challenging conditions that usually require a multidisciplinary approach to treatment. Regardless of the therapeutic approach and level of care, meal support can be an essential component of eating disorder recovery. Meal support can be beneficial for people of all ages with any eating disorder, including anorexia nervosa, atypical anorexia, bulimia …

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Where is Dr. Muhlheim Speaking and Training this Spring?

Dr. Muhlheim presenting at the FEAST of Knowledge

Dr. Muhlheim has a number of upcoming events and speaking engagements this spring 2023. Thursday, February 2, she’ll be doing a virtual training for staff at the Haven at the Center for Psychological Services at the Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology at Rutgers University, her alma mater. The talk is an overview of …

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Your Body’s Setpoint Weight

Accepting your body's setpoint [Image description: red hammer on a bathroom scale] represents the rejection of diet culture by a person in eating disorder recovery in Los Angeles, California

What is Setpoint? Setpoint refers to the weight at which your body functions optimally. Think of it like the weight at which your body wants to be—and if your body falls below this weight, your body gets messages to return you to a higher weight. This weight range is primarily genetically determined and will be …

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Parent Webinar–Is Your High School Student with an Eating Disorder Ready for College?

Purchase College Readiness Webinar Recording

Dr. Muhlheim gives this webinar once every year in February. If you missed this year’s (2025), you may still purchase a recording to which you will have access for the next two months. Email: with the subject line: “Purchase college readiness recording” Are you a parent of a High School Junior or Senior with …

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