Adjunctive Therapies to FBT: What are the Additional Therapies That May be Added to FBT? And When Should They Be Added?

Image Description: Paper in window that reads "Mindfulness" Adjunctive therapies that go alongside FBT for Eating Disorders

In a previous post, I have discussed who is typically on an FBT team. In its traditional manualized form, the core team is a therapist, a medical doctor, and the parents. The team can also include a registered dietitian nutritionist (to guide the parents) and may include a psychiatrist. It is not uncommon for medical …

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Do I Need to Quit X to Stay in Recovery?

Do I need to quit X to stay in recovery in Los Angeles, California [Image description: photo of a girl in a swimsuit looking away from the pool during a swim meet] Represents a potential teen in eating disorder recovery wrestling with whether she can continue her sport.

By Carolyn Hersh, LCSW, CEDS-S Clinical Supervisor A difficult decision in recovery is knowing when to let go of an activity–or even a job–that could potentially re-ignite the eating disorder. As a therapist I find myself guiding my clients through exploration of their values. Some come to realize that the sport or career path they …

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Seven Reasons You Should Eat When You’re Not Hungry

Joyful Eating in Los Angeles, California [Image description: drawing of 2 females joyfully eating ice cream] Represents potential eating disorder counseling clients in Los Angeles, California challenging diet rules and eating even when not hungry

In my work with clients with eating disorders and disordered eating, I often find that the fear of eating when not hungry is one of the most difficult bits of dogma to overcome. One of the cardinal rules of dieting is “Eat only when you’re hungry.” People with eating disorders and good dieters everywhere have …

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FBT Treatment Team Members

FBT Treatment Team Including Therapist, Dietitian, and Medical Doctor in Los Angeles, California [Image description: Purple scrabble tiles spelling "FBT Treatment Team"]

Family-based treatment (FBT) is the leading evidence-based treatment for teens with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. In an ideal world, every person with an eating disorder would have access to a full treatment team. This team could include a therapist, a dietitian, a medical doctor, and a psychiatrist. However, manualized FBT calls only for a …

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Sweatin’ for the Wedding: Say, “I don’t.”

Sweating for the Wedding? Say: I Don’t. Image description: photo of the ankles and feet of a bride in a white gown with white shows and a groom with black pants and black shoes] Represents a potential person in Los Angeles, California preparing for a wedding.

by Carolyn Comas, LCSW, CEDS-S Wedding Diet? Just say No! In November 2018, my boyfriend proposed to me. It was one of the most exciting days of my life thus far. With a proposal comes the next exciting chapter: wedding planning. For many brides-to-be, this entails finding that perfect gown. Sadly, although not surprising, once …

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Weight Gain in Bulimia Recovery

Weight gain in bulimia recovery in Los Angeles, California [Image description: purple scrabble tiles spelling "Weight gain in bulimia recovery"]

by Elisha Carcieri, Ph.D., therapist at EDTLA One of the hallmark features of eating disorders is placing a high value on body weight and shape in determining one’s self-worth. In addition, people with eating disorders often believe that diet, exercise, or–in the case of bulimia nervosa–purging, can control body shape and weight. Individuals with bulimia …

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Is the (Eating Disorder) Treatment Your Child is Getting FBT?

How Do You Know Your Teen Really Received Family-Based Treatment? [Image description: purple scrabble tiles spelling "How you you know the treatment is really FBT?'] in California

Family-Based Treatment:  How Do You Know Whether Your Child Got The Real Thing? When I speak to new families about Family-Based Treatment (FBT), I often find that they are confused about what it is and what it isn’t. What is FBT? Family-Based Treatment (FBT) is a type of evidence-based treatment for child and teen eating …

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Sleep: Monitoring and Treatment of Insomnia Without Drugs

insomnia treatment without drugs

By Elisha Carcieri, Ph.D., Staff Psychologist “A ruffled mind makes a restless pillow.” Charlotte Bronte Sleep Self-Monitoring In our self-obsessed culture, monitoring and tracking heartbeat, steps, exercise, food intake, and sleep is commonplace. My sister has recently been tracking her sleep using an app on her smartphone, and she encouraged me to do it too. …

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Condiments, the Final Frontier of Eating Disorder Recovery

Condiments in Eating Disorder Recovery in Los Angeles, California [Image description: a photo of various common condiments]

By Katie Grubiak, RDN Condiments in Eating Disorder Recovery In our work with clients with eating disorders, we help them to reintroduce recently eliminated and avoided foods that present as part of the eating disorder. We notice that as clients (both adult and child) reintroduce foods, it is often the condiments and sauces that are …

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My work in Shanghai with clients from all over the world

Eight years ago this month, I moved to Shanghai for a 2.5 year assignment.  I have been meaning to share my reflections.  Here they are: I had been working at Los Angeles County Jail for nearly 10 years when my husband’s business plan for a site-based English Language Learning Children’s business in China got funded …

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