Dating with ARFID

Eating on a date with ARFID [Image description: a man and a woman smiling at each other seated at a table. The man holds a glass and the woman has food in front of her] Depicts a potential couple on a date where one of the members has ARFID

by Carly Poynter, Psy.D. & Emily Walker, AMFT Dating under normal circumstances is hard. Nerves are high. Palms get sweaty. And you wonder nervously, ‘Does this person like me?’ Many people find dating challenging, even though common dating activities are supposedly fun. Many first dates revolve around meeting over food or drinks — grabbing a …

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Are You Ready for Eating Disorder Counseling?

Are you ready to begin eating disorder therapy [Image description: a man wearing a purple sweatshirt is looking at his calendar on a wall] Represents a person beginning eating disorder therapy in California

Maybe you’ve been thinking about getting help for a while but haven’t known where to look. Or perhaps someone has recently confronted you about your eating and you’re feeling pressured to get help now. Or maybe your problems have recently begun to feel worse. Even so, you’re still not sure it’s the right time. It’s …

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Eating Disorder Relapse Prevention Worksheet

Eating Disorder Recovery Journey [Image description: drawing of a happy woman driving in a purple car] Represents a client in eating disorder recovery in Los Angeles, California

Relapse Prevention Plan A relapse prevention plan is an important tool for maintaining recovery. Complete this worksheet created by EDTLA’s therapist, Carly Poynter, MA. Recovering from an eating disorder takes time. You did not develop your eating disorder overnight and it will not go away that quickly either. It is important to remember that recovery …

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Early Morning Therapy in California

Early morning eating disorder therapy in California [Image description: a woman sits in bed drinking her coffee] illustrating a potential client drinking coffee during her early morning therapy session in California]

Rise and Shine! Start your day in California with an early morning virtual psychotherapy session at 6 am, 7 am, or 8 am If you are struggling with an eating disorder, including anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, OSFED, ARFID, or atypical anorexia, we know scheduling can be tough. We are aware that it is difficult …

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Regular Eating—a Cornerstone of Eating Disorder Recovery

Regular Eating in Eating Disorder Recovery in Los Angeles [photo description: a black couple smiling as they wash and cut vegetables] Represents a possible person in recovery from an eating disorder engaging in regular eating in Los Angeles, CA.

If you have been struggling with an eating disorder or disordered eating, step one of recovery requires the establishment of daily regular eating. This is important for people with anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, and ARFID in all body sizes. Regular eating is one of the earliest goals of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Eating …

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Can CBT for Eating Disorders Be HAES®-aligned?

CBT plus HAES for Eating Disorders [Image description: large bodied gender neutral person seated and facing a therapist whose back is to the camera] represents a potential client with an eating disorder receiving CBT plus HAES in Los Angeles, California

“CBT Plus HAES”–Never the Twain Shall Meet–Or Shall They? Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy is the most effective approach for treating adults with eating disorders, including bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder. The most recent and commonly taught and implemented version is an “enhanced” protocol, CBT-E (Fairburn, Christopher G., 2008). Unfortunately, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for eating disorders …

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Is Weight Suppression Driving Your Binge Eating?

Is Weight Suppression Driving Your Binge Eating? in Los Angeles, California [Image description: drawing of two women wearing purple sweaters and one is fat] Represents potential person overcoming weight suppression during eating disorder therapy in Los Angeles, California

Weight Suppression and Binge Eating: What You Should Know If you have bulimia nervosa, did you know that being at a weight that is too low for your body could be a problem? And that it could be driving your binge eating and other behaviors. Many people are aware that patients with anorexia nervosa need …

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Adults with ARFID

Adults with ARFID in Los Angeles, California [Image description: drawing of a woman looking at her food and eating very slowly] Represents a potential adult patient with ARFID seeking counseling in Los Angeles, California

Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) was only recognized as a disorder affecting those older than age 6 as recently as 2013. Treatment and recognition of this disorder are in their infancy. Thus, many people with ARFID have lived with it for years without any treatment. Many adults with ARFID have simply had to learn …

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Low-Cost Eating Disorder Psychotherapy Available

Low-Cost Eating Disorder Counseling in Los Angeles, California

We are excited to announce our low-cost eating disorder therapy program. Southern California Association of Psychology Training Programs (SCAPT) designated us as a practicum site. Thus, we now provide training to advanced graduate students in psychology. We train students in evidence-based treatment for eating disorders. This allows us to further our mission of helping to …

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Structuring Your Eating Disorder Recovery Environment

Structuring Your Eating Disorder Recovery Environment [Image description: hand visible writing in planner] represents a client in eating disorder recovery in Los Angeles, California writing a meal plan

Recovery is challenging! I am repeatedly moved and impressed by the courage of my patients as they work through recovery from an eating disorder. One strategy that can help support recovery is a careful ​structuring of one’s recovery environment. This applies to adults working individually in treatment as well as to families helping adolescents to recover from …

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