Rules for FBT Parent Support Group

This is a support and psychoeducational group and is not, not a substitute for therapy. Everyone is here because they are caring for a child with an eating disorder. We will validate each other, avoid judging each other, and assume the best about each other. Each of us is encouraged to participate to whatever extent we feel comfortable. The following ground rules facilitate the development of trust in the group.

By attending this group, I agree to the following guidelines:

  1. This group is for caregivers of teens with eating disorders, not the people with the eating disorder themselves.
  2. Each group costs $40 per caregiver/family and is non-refundable and nonreimbursable by insurance.
  3. Please test your equipment and get on the call about two minutes prior to make sure there are no connection issues.
  4. Please be seated in a private space and a quiet room to reduce the likelihood of being disturbed.
  5. If there are other people in adjacent rooms, please wear headphones to protect the confidentiality of what is said in group.
  6. Please enable your video camera so the group can see your face.
  7. Because confidentiality is essential, we expect that each person will respect and maintain the confidentiality of the group. What is said in the group is not to be repeated or shared except in generalities with all identifying information disguised.
  8. Please turn off notifications, phones and anything else that could be distracting to you or members of the group.
  9. We try to give everyone an opportunity to share.
  10. We give supportive attention to the person who is speaking. Only one person talks at a time.
  11. If something that you learn in the group contradicts messages you are receiving from your MD, dietician, or therapist, go with your treatment team’s message. Your family’s providers know you and your situation better than we do.
  12. Do what works best for your family. There is no “one-size-fits-all” approach in FBT. Other families may have benefitted from strategies that may not work well for your family.
  13. We begin and end our meetings on time. If you will be late but still want to attend or need to leave early, please notify the therapist.
  14. The therapist is a mandated reporter. If any of the following situations arise or are discussed during group, I am mandated to take actions (e.g., notifying the proper authorities) to protect the reported parties.
    1. A danger to self, such as threats of self-harm or suicide
    2. A danger to another person, such as threats of violence against another person
    3. Actual or suspected child neglect/abuse or elder/dependent neglect/abuse
  15. Group members may choose to contact each other outside of group if it is mutually agreed upon.
  16. Please rename your display name on zoom to include your pronouns, e.g. mine will be: Lauren (she/her).
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