Maintaining Recovery During Short Lunch Times

Eating Lunch in Recovery [Image description: Neon Light spelling "EAT"] Depicts the instruction for a person in eating disorder recovery to eat lunch.

Guest post by 2024-2025 doctoral extern, Natalie Cynamon.  School lunchtime is ideal for catching up with friends, decompressing, or watching a show on your phone. However, it’s not long until the bell rings again, telling you it is time to return to class. With so little time to do what you want, it can be …

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Early Intervention with Family-Based Treatment (FBT) for Eating Disorders

Early Intervention with Family-Based Treatment (FBT) for Eating Disorders [Image description: a teen girl sits next to a doctor who is writing notes; depicts a potential teen client with early signs of an eating disorder in California]

Originally published on the F.E.A.S.T Blog on August 22, 2014, by Lauren Muhlheim, Psy.D., CEDS, and Therese Waterhous, PhD/RDN Eating Disorders are serious mental illnesses with dangerous medical consequences. Without early intervention, eating disorders may become chronic or even fatal. Parents are often unaware of some of the early signs of an eating disorder. Even …

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Family-Based Treatment (FBT)-Parent Support Group

If your teen (or young adult) has an eating disorder—including anorexia or bulimia—you may feel helpless, worried, or uncertain about how you can best support them. Our monthly parent support group— based on principles of FBT—can help. Family-Based Treatment (FBT) is the leading treatment for teens with eating disorders and it centers the role of …

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How Much Food to Feed?

Family having dinner and unhappy in FBT [Image description: family of 2 adults and two kids and the teen girl looks very unhappy about eating] Represents a potential family in California doing FBT for their teen's eating disorder

In Family-Based Treatment (FBT), we charge families with nourishing their teens back to health through meals at home. Because FBT is a parent empowerment model, parents are often given little specific guidance about how to do this. If you are like other families with whom I’ve worked, now that you understand this important point, you …

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Should You Let Your Teen Become a Vegetarian?

Should you let your teen become vegetarian [Image description: purple scrabble tiles spelling "vegetarian" above a plate with raw vegetables]

By Katie Grubiak, RDN, and Lauren Muhlheim, Psy.D. We acknowledge that vegetarianism can offer benefits for both individuals and the environment. We also recognize that vegetarianism is embedded in some cultures and religions, and most children and teens raised in these cultures thrive. This article does not aim to debate the ethics of vegetarianism. Instead, …

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This Halloween Let Them Eat Candy!

Halloween candy and intuitive eating [Image description: 2 young children in costumes hold pumpkin pails of candy they've collected on Halloween}

This was first written by Katie Grubiak, RDN in 2015 and published on a national blog site. It has since been removed and is posted here with permission by Katie Grubiak, RDN, dietitian for people of all ages. Katie’s Six Tips To Make Halloween Fun–and Help Raise Intuitive Eaters Halloween is a favorite holiday for …

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Supporting your Child or Other Loved One with an Eating Disorder Through the Holidays

Supporting Child with Eating Disorder Over Holiday in Los Angeles, California [Image description: photo of a Black family preparing a meal together and all the family members are dressed up] represents a potential family supporting a loved one with an eating disorder during the holidays

By Carly Poynter, AMFT, staff therapist The holidays are a challenging time to navigate for most people. The holidays are even more challenging for those who struggle with their relationship with food. As we prepare for the holiday feasts and festivities, there are a few things to consider, especially when you have a child or …

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Teen Eating Disorder Recovery Group

Online Teen Eating Disorder Recovery Group for Teens in California

  As we have written elsewhere, we believe Family-Based Treatment (FBT) is a complete treatment for teens with eating disorders. Most teens will not need (or want) additional therapy. The one area where we think teens could use a little more support is in developing a strong anti-diet stance to stand up to weight stigma …

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When to Add an Individual Therapist in FBT-Phase 1

Individual therapy in FBT [Image description: photo of a teen seated and facing an adult] Represents a potential teen client in therapy for an eating disorder in Los Angeles, California

When I am working as the Family-Based Treatment (FBT) therapist for a teen in eating disorder recovery, their parents will often ask whether the teen should also see a therapist individually. Unlike other therapy situations, in FBT there is no expectation that there is both an individual therapist and a family therapist. It’s there in …

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What Parents of Teens with Eating Disorders Need to Understand About Diet Culture

What Parents Need to Know About Diet Culture [Image description: a larger woman smashing a scale] Represents a potential parent of a teen receiving eating disorder counseling in Los Angeles, California

Parents and Diet Culture Many parents experience guilt when their teen is diagnosed with an eating disorder. Nearly every parent can point to a time they themselves dieted, opted not to have a dessert they really wanted, expressed a preference toward thinness, or discouraged their child from keeping eating. You may have done things to …

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