This Halloween Let Them Eat Candy!

Halloween candy and intuitive eating [Image description: 2 young children in costumes hold pumpkin pails of candy they've collected on Halloween}

This was first written by Katie Grubiak, RDN in 2015 and published on a national blog site. It has since been removed and is posted here with permission by Katie Grubiak, RDN, dietitian for people of all ages. Katie’s Six Tips To Make Halloween Fun–and Help Raise Intuitive Eaters Halloween is a favorite holiday for …

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Lactose, Dairy, and Eating Disorder Recovery

Dairy and Eating Disorder Recovery in Los Angeles, California [Image description: a person driving a bottle of milk through a straw] Illustrating a potential person in eating disorder recovery incorporating milk

The Milky Way: Why We Encourage Inclusion of Dairy in Eating Disorder Recovery by Shelly Bar, MD, KatieGrubiak, RDN, and Lauren Muhlheim, Psy.D. Dairy is tasty and good for you. Despite this, there are a lot of folks who are scared of it. You may have eliminated dairy from your diet in pursuit of better …

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How To Choose A Supplemental Nutrition Shake

Nutritional Supplements for Eating Disorder Recovery - Katie Grubiak, RDN in Los Angeles, California [Image description: Photo of a smiling, red-headed, white woman, Katie Grubiak, RDN, eating lunch and surrounded by all the nutritional supplements we tasted]

By Katie Grubiak, RDN at Side by Side Nutrition (formerly at EDTLA) Choosing a nutrition shake to support eating disorder recovery can be a daunting process. In a previous post, we discussed the role of supplemental nutritional shakes in eating disorder recovery. Sometimes, patients in recovery will be unable to restore their nutrition entirely with …

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Nutritional Supplement Shakes in Eating Disorder Recovery

Child Drinking a Nutritional Supplement [Image description: drawing of a girl drinking a milkshake from a cup] Depicts a potential girl with an eating disorder such as ARFID in Los Angeles, California drinking a nutritional supplement

By Lauren Muhlheim, PsyD and Katie Grubiak, RDN Nutritional supplement shakes commonly support eating disorder recovery. In this post, we will discuss what they are and how to use them. In our next post, we will taste-test the different brands and formulations of nutritional shakes on the market, share our opinions, and help you decide …

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I’m not the villain! My side of the story… by Starch

Starch- My Side of The Story- The Importance of Starch in Eating Disorder Recovery [Image description: drawing of a slice of bread with feet and a pirate hat and eye patch] Represents the misaligned food group

On Dietary Starch in Eating Disorder Recovery Guest Post By Katie Grubiak, RDN Hey, I have something to say! Don’t forget my importance! Although maligned by Atkins and many others, I’m not really the bad guy. I am Starch This is why, I, Starch, Am Good And Necessary: I contain the falsely feared primary energy …

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The Hidden Benefits of Full Fat Dairy

Benefits of Full Fat Dairy [Image description: photo of glass of milk and cookies] representing a snack of full fat milk and cookies of a client in eating disorder recovery in California

by Katie Grubiak, RDN Read our new post about the importance of including dairy in eating disorder recovery. History of the Low-Fat Dairy Movement Since the 1980s, physicians, the federal government, the food industry, and popular media have championed the low-fat approach to dieting and weight control. The idea stemmed from a few studies published …

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