This Halloween Let Them Eat Candy!

Halloween candy and intuitive eating [Image description: 2 young children in costumes hold pumpkin pails of candy they've collected on Halloween}

This was first written by Katie Grubiak, RDN in 2015 and published on a national blog site. It has since been removed and is posted here with permission by Katie Grubiak, RDN, dietitian for people of all ages. Katie’s Six Tips To Make Halloween Fun–and Help Raise Intuitive Eaters Halloween is a favorite holiday for …

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Recognizing and Managing the Subtler Signs of Starvation in Children with EDs

Signs of Anorexia

This interaction on twitter caught my eye: Watching cooking shows, collecting and reading recipes, and cooking for others (but not eating it oneself) are some of the earliest signs of anorexia that are often missed and misinterpreted by parents.  In Keys’ landmark study “The Biology of Human Starvation” male volunteers were put on starvation diets.  …

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Starting FBT: Surviving The First Week of Re-Feeding

Surviving The First Week of Re-feeding Your Teen Using Family-Based Treatment In Family-Based Treatment (FBT), figuring out how to get your starving child to eat and gain weight is a daunting task. Parents often feel overwhelmed and helpless when starting out on a re-feeding program. It is important to remember that your child is literally …

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