Dating with ARFID

Eating on a date with ARFID [Image description: a man and a woman smiling at each other seated at a table. The man holds a glass and the woman has food in front of her] Depicts a potential couple on a date where one of the members has ARFID

by Carly Poynter, Psy.D. & Emily Walker, AMFT Dating under normal circumstances is hard. Nerves are high. Palms get sweaty. And you wonder nervously, ‘Does this person like me?’ Many people find dating challenging, even though common dating activities are supposedly fun. Many first dates revolve around meeting over food or drinks — grabbing a …

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ARFID and Holidays: Strategies for Managing Eating Challenges

ARFID and Holidays [Image description: Purple scrabble tiles spelling "ARFID and Holidays"]

The holidays are supposed to be joyous occasions where families gather and eat together. But these two particular elements combined—family and food—can be extremely challenging for adults with Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID). If you are an adult who has ARFID you may struggle with eating enough overall and or with variety. You may …

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ARFID Kids Camp

ARFID Kids Camp in Los Angeles 2024

Are you a parent of a child with ARFID and looking for activities for them this summer? Then, consider joining our ARFID Kids Camp! New for 2024: ARFID Kids Camp in Los Angeles Join our comprehensive 8-hour program, featuring 2 hours of daily activities focused on food exploration and education tailored specifically for children with …

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How to Support a Friend with ARFID

Supporting a friend with ARFID in California [Image description: a woman with her hand on the shoulder of another woman who appears distressed] Represents a potential client getting help for ARFID in California

Maybe you have a friend or coworker who is struggles to eat enough for reasons other than body image–or who eats differently. This struggle to eat or eating difference may be something more than a quirk, but something known as ARFID. It may be frustrating to try to have meals with them, especially if you …

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Feeding a Child with ARFID and a Narrow Range of Foods

Feeding a Child with ARFID in Los Angeles, California [Image description: photo of a girl eating broccoli and rice and looking unhappy] Represents a child with ARFID in therapy in California

Helping a Child with ARFID to Eat Feeding a child with ARFID is challenging and most parents are not adequately prepared. Children with ARFID are not just “picky eaters” and may not respond the same way as other children. Well-meaning advice you may have received—such as, “They will eat when they are hungry,”—often does not …

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ARFID in Children

Therapy for ARFID in Children in California [Image description: a boy eating breakfast of cereal and juice and looking unhappy] Represents a potential client receiving counseling for ARFID in California

Does My Child Have Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)? For the most part, kids are pickier eaters than adults. If your child is a “picky eater” you may be wondering whether their eating is normal or not. You may have heard about Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) and wonder whether your child might have …

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Helping Others in Your Life Understand Your ARFID

Helping Others in Your Life Understand Your ARFID [Image description: 4 friends of diverse sizes and skin colors sitting at a picnic table] Represents supportive friends of a potential client seeking help for ARFID in Los Angeles, CA

If you (or your child) have Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID), you may have struggled with how to help others in your life understand this little-known disorder and how profoundly it affects you. ARFID can make eating uncomfortable in social situations if you or a child have ARFID. You may experience people trying to …

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Adults with ARFID

Adults with ARFID in Los Angeles, California [Image description: drawing of a woman looking at her food and eating very slowly] Represents a potential adult patient with ARFID seeking counseling in Los Angeles, California

Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) was only recognized as a disorder affecting those older than age 6 as recently as 2013. Treatment and recognition of this disorder are in their infancy. Thus, many people with ARFID have lived with it for years without any treatment. Many adults with ARFID have simply had to learn …

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How Diet Culture Can Harm Your Recovery from ARFID

ARFID and Diet Culture in Los Angeles, California [Image desciption: photo of a woman buying bread] Represents a potential eating disorder client in Los Angeles, California standing up to diet culture

by Carolyn Comas, LCSW, CEDS-S, Clinical Supervisor People diagnosed with Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) struggle with consuming adequate nutritional intake due to either 1) fear of aversive consequences (i.e choking), 2) low interest in food altogether, or 3) sensory sensitivity to food textures, smells, or appearance. Usually, people with ARFID do not report …

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ARFID Parent Support Group

ARFID Parent Group for parents in any location over Zoom [Image description: purple scrabble tiles spelling: "ARFID Parent Group"]

We welcome caregivers of children, teens, and adults with Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) to our virtual support group. This group is open to caregivers caring for anyone of any age with ARFID. Parenting a child or teen with ARFID is challenging. Feeding a child or teen with ARFID is extremely challenging. Meals may …

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