Maintaining Recovery During Short Lunch Times

Eating Lunch in Recovery [Image description: Neon Light spelling "EAT"] Depicts the instruction for a person in eating disorder recovery to eat lunch.

Guest post by 2024-2025 doctoral extern, Natalie Cynamon.  School lunchtime is ideal for catching up with friends, decompressing, or watching a show on your phone. However, it’s not long until the bell rings again, telling you it is time to return to class. With so little time to do what you want, it can be …

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Dating with ARFID

Eating on a date with ARFID [Image description: a man and a woman smiling at each other seated at a table. The man holds a glass and the woman has food in front of her] Depicts a potential couple on a date where one of the members has ARFID

by Carly Poynter, Psy.D. & Emily Walker, AMFT Dating under normal circumstances is hard. Nerves are high. Palms get sweaty. And you wonder nervously, ‘Does this person like me?’ Many people find dating challenging, even though common dating activities are supposedly fun. Many first dates revolve around meeting over food or drinks — grabbing a …

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Early Intervention with Family-Based Treatment (FBT) for Eating Disorders

Early Intervention with Family-Based Treatment (FBT) for Eating Disorders [Image description: a teen girl sits next to a doctor who is writing notes; depicts a potential teen client with early signs of an eating disorder in California]

Originally published on the F.E.A.S.T Blog on August 22, 2014, by Lauren Muhlheim, Psy.D., CEDS, and Therese Waterhous, PhD/RDN Eating Disorders are serious mental illnesses with dangerous medical consequences. Without early intervention, eating disorders may become chronic or even fatal. Parents are often unaware of some of the early signs of an eating disorder. Even …

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ARFID and Holidays: Strategies for Managing Eating Challenges

ARFID and Holidays [Image description: Purple scrabble tiles spelling "ARFID and Holidays"]

The holidays are supposed to be joyous occasions where families gather and eat together. But these two particular elements combined—family and food—can be extremely challenging for adults with Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID). If you are an adult who has ARFID you may struggle with eating enough overall and or with variety. You may …

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Managing the College Transition…When You’ve Had an Eating Disorder

The College Transition [Image description: a young Black woman packs a suitcase for college] Represents a potential college student with a history of an eating disorder

The College Transition The day is finally approaching. You’ve gotten through college admissions tests, completed your applications, waited patiently for acceptances, and chosen your school. You’ve gone to prom. You are looking forward to finally being more independent and living away from home. You are learning about your roommate(s) and thinking about the classes you’ll …

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Family-Based Treatment (FBT)-Parent Support Group

If your teen (or young adult) has an eating disorder—including anorexia or bulimia—you may feel helpless, worried, or uncertain about how you can best support them. Our monthly parent support group— based on principles of FBT—can help. Family-Based Treatment (FBT) is the leading treatment for teens with eating disorders and it centers the role of …

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Eating Disorder Therapy Vs. Ozempic and Other GLP-1s

Guest post by 2023-2024 doctoral extern, Vera Levi, MA Many of our prospective clients are curious about GLP-1s for weight loss. They arrive seeking therapy for their eating disorder while simultaneously pursuing a prescription for Ozempic–not to treat a medical condition– but to lose weight. Here’s what you should know. Eating Disorder Clients Seeking Weight …

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ARFID Kids Camp

ARFID Kids Camp in Los Angeles 2024

Are you a parent of a child with ARFID and looking for activities for them this summer? Then, consider joining our ARFID Kids Camp! New for 2024: ARFID Kids Camp in Los Angeles Join our comprehensive 8-hour program, featuring 2 hours of daily activities focused on food exploration and education tailored specifically for children with …

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Private Equity and Eating Disorders: What You Need to Know

Private equity and eating disorders [Image description: an empty boardroom with windows] depicts a potential private equity firm investing in eating disorder centers

In case you haven’t been paying attention, the economics of eating disorder treatment centers have been evolving. And it is doing so in ways that may be harmful. Today, a very small number of large entities own and run most of the country’s residential treatment and day treatment centers. Private equity firms now back most …

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Eating Disorders Before and After Bariatric Surgery–What You Need to Know

Eating Disorders and Bariatric Surgery [Image description: purple scrabble tiles spelling "Eating Disorders and Bariatric Surgery"]

Health professionals often recommend bariatric surgery for patients with larger bodies. A large body size, referred to in the medical world as “obesity,”—a term we will not use unless citing medical data— is not the same as an eating disorder. Yet, there is an intersection. A considerable number of people considering bariatric surgery may have …

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