Size-Friendly Doctor Survey

Help us create a resource list of size-friendly, weight-neutral doctors in Los Angeles. If you have had a positive experience with a medical doctor of any type who did not weight shame you, please share their name and info. We want to support them by asking if they want Health at Every Size ® information or if they might have questions about weight neutral approaches to medical care.

  • (e.g. cardiologist, internist)
  • (e.g. city, area...)
  • (if you have it)
  • (if you have it)
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Would you like to submit another doctor?

  • (e.g. cardiologist, internist)
  • (e.g. city, area...)
  • (if you have it)
  • (if you have it)
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.




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